Wednesday, May 25, 2011

123 Main Street
Penticton British Columbia,
V2A 6W5

May 24, 2011

R, Kleats
Rugby Coach
120 Green Avenue,
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 5R7

Dear Mr. Kleats

I am Jared Collier, My son David plays on your rugby team. I know how much of a commitment it is to coaching a rugby team and I appreciate the time you put into this team. It is understood how many responsibilities you have and how much time it takes to fulfill them. Recently my son has approached me with a few concerns he has about the team.

It has come to my recollection that you often attend practices late, again I understand that you are a busy man. But practices are disorganized which brings some concern to myself. My son may not be the most athletic student and I've noticed that, that has reflected on his playing time. It has also come to my attention that when he does play he often gets yelled at whenever he makes a mistake. I feel as if this team has to much emphasis on winning and not enough on having fun and developing as players. It would be much apreceated if I could receive a reply to this message and reasonable actions will be put in place.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Graduation is the most important and exciting moment in a persons life. Especially to any teenage girl. There are so many exhilarating errands to partake in. Obviously it is accentual for any girl to get the most expensive dress they can find regardless of whether she likes it or not. Girls must spend an extraordinary amount of money on their hair. Then when all the girls fathers finally think that they are finished throwing their hard earned bucks toward this graduation, they find out all the girls need new make up, obviously their day to day make up isn't good enough.

The girls prom dress is amongst the most important of these errands. Sometimes it is even necessary to take a day or even a hole week off of school just to find the most expensive dress. Dragging the fathers mall to mall, city to city. Until she finds the one. If the fathers refuse to buy such an expensive dress, well prepare to be exasperated by the screaming, the crying, the hissy fits. Until she gets what she wants and buy the dress she will only wear once.

After the girls find the most expensive dress it is time for the hair. Luckily for the fathers this is a much quicker proses. But still the fathers will be emptying their wallets for this one. It takes hours and hours of none stop products spraying into their hairs until it is so strong it appears a skunk walked into the room. The hair afterwards will remind one of a dragon ball Z character with their hair pointing straight up. With so much product in it, it actually seems that they just got glue put their hair, which the father probably has in his drawer which would be far less expensive.

After both the prom dress and the hair the fathers are forced to take out a lone, because the girls are not done. All the girls must have new make up, this is accentual and of course the make up they use everyday simply is not good enough for such an important event. The girls must go to M.A.C. and Sephora which are by far the most expensive stores in order to fullfill their needs, because none of the girls want to be the only one not wear M.A.C. mascara or Sephora blush.

Once these girls have their needs met they will be happily addending prom. Wearing a $2000 dress, $200 hair cut, and $500 make up. While the fathers are about to jump off a cliff due to these exstensive amounts of purchases.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alfred the Sexist Bastard

"Oh dear, Look at this new sports car in the paper." exclaimed Alfred.
"Do you really need another one?" Susan snarled as she looked up at her husband.
"Well" Alfred remarked "This one is different, It has a V8."
"Do you really expect me to know what that is Alfred?"
Alfred stated "Well dear, no I do not. I was unfair of me, It would be as if you told me you were going to put cumin on my steak. I simply would not know what you are speaking of."
Susan glaring at Alfred after his sexist remark.
Alfred cut her off
"How about you stick to what your good at, cooking, because you are a women, and let me worry about my new sports car."
"You" Susan screamed "sir are the worst excuse for a husband, you are a sexist bastard!"
As Alfred confusingly looking up at his wife.
Susan cutting him off
"No! I'm done!" as she storms out of the room.
Alfred spoke softly
"I guess with her out of the way, I'll get myself a new sports car."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mustang Bullying

Princess Margret Secondary school is located in Penticton British Columbia. It is not an overly large school, but in no way does this mean there is no bullying at this school. A common reason of why bullying is happening at this school is the need to assets power above one another. Say a student at this school has a parent who is overly strict. Who is always on his or her child for whatever he or she may be doing. That student may come to school and get mad at another student because he or she needs to get the anger out.

It is not that the student is actually mad at the other, it is the fact that he or she is anger at his or her parent or parents and takes it out on the other student. The student could be taking they're anger out in many different ways. He or she could make fun of a student constantly because it makes the student doing the bullying empowered, unlike he or she feels at home. It is possible that the student is physically abused at home. Therefore it is highly likely that that student could do to other students what his or her own parents have done to him or her.

One way that the school could deal with these problems is find the source of these students problems, and why they are taking all of they're anger out on the other students. The student that is doing the bullying could go to the councilor and the councilor could help this student with his or her problems. Therefore preventing bullying in the future and helping the student with his or her problems at home.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Amazing

Jared Collier extraordinaire. Now, one might wonder, why would someone accept this gentleman to your outstanding school? Well I've heard he once wrestled a bear, and won. Police often question him, just because they find him interesting. When he decides to go for a swim, the dolphins can't keep up. Steven Harper often phones him for political advice. He once drove to Hawaii. While sculpting a life size monument of himself, he preforms open heart surgery. His smile is as seductive as Marline Monroe. He could win the world record for greatest beard, But he has to much class. He treats the NHL as if they were pick up games. Along with the NFL. People often compare him to Jesus, and takes it as an insult.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Goal Is To Fail

Why do I need to graduate? The answer is I don't. I've decided that when July comes I will not be walking past the stage with my fellow grade twelve's. I will not get my certificate. People say that life has to move forward, and I disagree. By not graduating, I will be fulfilling my dream to be exactly like my English "teacher" who has actually never graduated from high school. He is the only bald student here at Princess Margret. I say student because he's actually been here for so long that other students have started to thin he's an actual teacher. One might wonder how a man that never graduated can teach a grade twelve English class. Mr. Van Camp finds his own little ways to avoid actually teaching the students a lesson. Whether he's giving us a test that the "school board" has assigned to us which will determine whether or not we are suited for English twelve, or teaching us how to write by dancing around the English room then later making us do the same down the hallways just for his own enjoyment. I've actually coached Mr. Van Camp's son, Colton's, rugby team and it definitely makes me question his parenting skills. Considering his own son wore make-up to his last game of the year. His son stated that he was in a play and he didn't have enough time to wash it off, I found that extremely hard to believe. Although I can't say I agree with "Mr." Van Camp's parenting techniques he is still my idol and I will be failing my grade twelve year in order to be exactly like him, in order to continue his legacy.