Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mustang Bullying

Princess Margret Secondary school is located in Penticton British Columbia. It is not an overly large school, but in no way does this mean there is no bullying at this school. A common reason of why bullying is happening at this school is the need to assets power above one another. Say a student at this school has a parent who is overly strict. Who is always on his or her child for whatever he or she may be doing. That student may come to school and get mad at another student because he or she needs to get the anger out.

It is not that the student is actually mad at the other, it is the fact that he or she is anger at his or her parent or parents and takes it out on the other student. The student could be taking they're anger out in many different ways. He or she could make fun of a student constantly because it makes the student doing the bullying empowered, unlike he or she feels at home. It is possible that the student is physically abused at home. Therefore it is highly likely that that student could do to other students what his or her own parents have done to him or her.

One way that the school could deal with these problems is find the source of these students problems, and why they are taking all of they're anger out on the other students. The student that is doing the bullying could go to the councilor and the councilor could help this student with his or her problems. Therefore preventing bullying in the future and helping the student with his or her problems at home.

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