Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Goal Is To Fail

Why do I need to graduate? The answer is I don't. I've decided that when July comes I will not be walking past the stage with my fellow grade twelve's. I will not get my certificate. People say that life has to move forward, and I disagree. By not graduating, I will be fulfilling my dream to be exactly like my English "teacher" who has actually never graduated from high school. He is the only bald student here at Princess Margret. I say student because he's actually been here for so long that other students have started to thin he's an actual teacher. One might wonder how a man that never graduated can teach a grade twelve English class. Mr. Van Camp finds his own little ways to avoid actually teaching the students a lesson. Whether he's giving us a test that the "school board" has assigned to us which will determine whether or not we are suited for English twelve, or teaching us how to write by dancing around the English room then later making us do the same down the hallways just for his own enjoyment. I've actually coached Mr. Van Camp's son, Colton's, rugby team and it definitely makes me question his parenting skills. Considering his own son wore make-up to his last game of the year. His son stated that he was in a play and he didn't have enough time to wash it off, I found that extremely hard to believe. Although I can't say I agree with "Mr." Van Camp's parenting techniques he is still my idol and I will be failing my grade twelve year in order to be exactly like him, in order to continue his legacy.

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