Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alfred the Sexist Bastard

"Oh dear, Look at this new sports car in the paper." exclaimed Alfred.
"Do you really need another one?" Susan snarled as she looked up at her husband.
"Well" Alfred remarked "This one is different, It has a V8."
"Do you really expect me to know what that is Alfred?"
Alfred stated "Well dear, no I do not. I was unfair of me, It would be as if you told me you were going to put cumin on my steak. I simply would not know what you are speaking of."
Susan glaring at Alfred after his sexist remark.
Alfred cut her off
"How about you stick to what your good at, cooking, because you are a women, and let me worry about my new sports car."
"You" Susan screamed "sir are the worst excuse for a husband, you are a sexist bastard!"
As Alfred confusingly looking up at his wife.
Susan cutting him off
"No! I'm done!" as she storms out of the room.
Alfred spoke softly
"I guess with her out of the way, I'll get myself a new sports car."

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to teaching you for the rest of my career and glad that you idolize me. 4 of 4 assignments complete. Keep the tense consistent in your dialogue. Reasonable detail, further proofreading required.
